get up with the miners of Chile
I have to go to this reunion of ortho not know why I accept
I understand, I do not go I will not go
get up to go to the reunion
philosopher about the reunion and I pee in the reunion
Acassuso that motherfucker
guguleo comoviajo.com, and tells me comoviajo.com I have an hour and a half Travel
that Acassuso
motherfucker that do not move them mad, if those who are in contravencionNO YOU CAN HAVE YOUR STUDY Acassuso
you can, but if you got, you bastard Movete
Fumat you travel to capital I do not do this do not hurt me
you motherfuckers shit
to go?
explain me yesterday to talk with the architect and says take me train?
NO. NI NI SUBWAY TRAIN, I say laughed
not think about it I said jokingly, arqutiecto NOT WANT TO TAKE TRAIN, listened
I have no desire to take
queiro train travel 20 minutes just because I have priority because I'm in capital and if I'm in capital, it is because I choose to be in capital and not move not a hair to province
Movete architect kid you breakfast
AM and I'm looking at the daughter of the sole
an hour and a half away
comoviajo.com said I have to crack
114 pit stop
1 minute, nothing
5 min, 10 min
March 1985, 2 106 minutes
20, March 1985 did not come back
30-minute, nothing came
not want to suspend the reunion
this is a wink of fate
a mockery of fate, you placed in my path, so obses-sion OBSEYON OBSEYO, uo obsession uooo
Miguel Mateos
think it is obviously a sign of destiny
posting to the architect but I'm ashamed to say that the 114 this afternoon, because I can be as bad Calculator group schedules, and I can play well against me
do not know why I look good, if I do not like INTERESTED interesNOME Acassuso
I do not care I'm not going
message: "I'm in a traffic jam for 20 min. I have half an hour late ... or recombined serve you? "
serves you, I say
bottleneck for 20 min,
tell me that I have re-forest life do not sign
35 minutes, 114
fuck I get, but just think how nice it will be when I answer that does not serve and they recombine to
not recombine because tomorrow when I'm not going to Acassuso
cell phone rings me
architect asks me if I was the the little message DO NOT SIGN
tells me oh yeah if I was, uh, nothing, well, that I retrasadisima
Venite, NO RUSH,
tells me the shell of your mother, I think dale dale
ah, we, I say you know well as
get it?,
tells me eh .. more or less, tell
look, get off .. walk half a block, you'll realize that leaving a cortadito, you send out there, 100 meters LISTENING masDEJO
disinterest I have voice say all that if we cut
and see if you realize that I suck an egg
good I do not care as you realize that I suck an egg because I do not mind its total work Acassuso I do not care, I said that they have not made him more, and do not think enough to do more
This reunion should I train myself
spend fifteen hundred stations Acassuso
2 hours
TRAVEL HOOORAS good hour and a half because there were half-hour wait to fucking 114, but 2 hours I am trying llegDOOOOOS HOURS TRYING LLLEGARRRR Acassuso
sunrise I do not remember the explanation of the architect, a town hall and throw me crazy Lacroze man, do not do the the way to the 3 rd tree and ask for carlitos carlitos
that bastard came
heavenly home to and that home
iina iina by favooorrrrr
How nice this home Acassuso by favooorrr
how nice is Acassuso
women ring out
hello Robertito, which may, I am felicitas felicitas
ay love me is I like super iina
, felicitas queiro be your friend, how nice bag
felicitas we
hello, I'm berni, says architect
me hi berni
that iinos they are, I think they look
the house and I would re-
here Sunday, with congratulations and look how cute
berni house please tell me that iinura
a very long list of plans that bothers me a bit poque interrupts me my thoughts about my future and possible friendship with berni
felicitas tell all that if I do not understand anything, but I like them make me want
documentation of work, felicitas and berni? Home
architecture makes me want?
architecture is the documentation of work?
I am an architect or construction documents?
and deed as we have Robertito?, Tells me berni, re nice, re Entrador
I want to say I'm perfect and that we can be friends and then on weekends were spent here, queres berni? you take care of the kids, not, bah, if you got kids, you take care of them, if you do not have, I come to clean the pile, berni queres?
I went blank and I say EH WORK .. WORK ..
do not like it not, he says berni
eh .. not that, not if, bah, eh, not my stick
disappoint my best friend berni?
and when you you receive?, me felicitas said yesterday berni
I wonder the same thing for
tel qeu I want to say her husband has the same concerns that she
I want to ask as they do with the subject-laburo-preocupacionesiguales couples are like Bredeston
and Nora Carpena ?
in 2006, I say
want to happen some time since I received qeu? I have been the other day?
want to feel young? student?
how old are you, tell me felicitas
33 would say with a smile and grabbed my skirt as if she were singing to the kids panam
this I doubt that paper gets delayed friendship and berni felicitas, two guys are two great guy, with this pool
berni insists if I could get lost or it was not so serious
see?, I said ARE FRIENDS
no no , all good, yeah yeah, ah tell
but in the end you took, I said I
berni u researching?
are good friends or are invasive?
train, we say
but you took up the train?, Tells me
say but you were not in Almagro,
tells me good enough to invade berni
yes yes, it happens that I live in forest, in almagro I have the studio, but live in me says I envy florestAY
felicitas eh? eh .. no no, but do not be, is qeu nomas little place you Are you FELICITAS HOUSE THIS PIECE OF ME you fucking?
are like Queen and her doll that sang this is barbaric, not so barbaric
I'll go out and see the poster for piero in ateneo nd my god
piero is the grandfather of Juanita's daughter? never understand if piero or gati, the grandfather
train Acassuso
how nice is, I think
off the train I get on bondi
the window moves a lot and flashing that will break over me
I do not want me falling out
glasses look up if I fall right in the neck in the jugular
think and if I drop the glass there, I shit the whole trip
hand on the jugular, if the glass is down, cut me last hand
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