Monday, February 7, 2011

Hernia Examination Erection

I swear I did before I'm the bad

out fast for the reunion
I realize I have to walk 14 blocks and not 4 as I thought did not eat

stop at a kiosk and bought potatoes, so I'm not low pressure, pins
I go to the kiosk and the common potatoes and those cibulet
that are rich with
cibulet I fall for those of cibulet
cibulet I buy those
such as cibulet and I realize that I filled the face of cibulet
face and fingers
unemployment in all the windows to check if I have cibulet on teeth and check, so I can eat potatoes with cibulet
is a vicious circle of potatoes and came cibulet 1 block before the reunion and I shake hands full Potatoes with cibulet in dress

re barbaro fine

go to a reunion at the reunion I say "I do"
Nazarene I feel that I am talking
actress actress but I'm not talking as if he had to convince that I'm an actress

writer good writer but I am not publish the novel
not know why I want to publish the novel
qeu feel that I have published as a matter of life or death
the reunion reunion lady tells me oh but then it's yours as JJJJJ I say no no, but hey, no no no my thing to do, or what that person qeu no see, or I did before I did
before I dive into the balls around and the lady said good good, as we Now, here, this year I closed the rising

want to show the copyright bill to see that I did what I did BEFORE anteTEJURO and I remember I read a twit who said that there is always someone doing what
you do since before I close all the ortho?
comentame a little more to see, I say sit down Mrs
Robertito, tells me the lady and I'm sorry but let me put
portfolio with the fantastic portfolio you will summarize that "I do", so another re Nazarene Mrs once
is unmoved and says ah, then so is like loq ue ffffff
ago eh no no, this other person, uh, no, I mean, uh, do something else, I or I
or if yes, we en el mismo universo, pero bueno, yo tengo otros matices, porque yo, SHO SHO SOY MEJOR
me meto de lleno a ser el raton mikey de, hablando bien de mi
al final insisto en qeu lo que yo hago es llevar al extremo la caracteristica de...
la aburro, porque no hay nada mas pedorro y aburrido que explicar "lo que uno hace"
siempre que uno explica "lo que uno hace", "lo que uno hace" es mas boludo de lo que en verdad es
un amigo me pasa el fb de laura tuny
le miro las fotos a laura tuny, todas
doy con el fb de la que dice "uy como estoy"
no me acuerdo como se llama la de "uy como estoy" y vuelvo al fb de laura tuny
de qué vive laura tuny?
me acuerdo qeu greet the day at Niceto
Fortuny laura went out with my ex boyfriend and we were playing Niceto poruqe leo garcia,
I greet my ex boyfriend who did not and do not know who told him "darling, laura Fortuny"
want laura Fortuny I do the "how much vulgarity" as teacher Miss
in the taxi I'm gonna go get dress for succes of the song roxette

all within 90 roxette hated just because my sister liked it rains

Nazarene says he believes we all need to press
ALL need all of myrtle, viviana
a friend passed me a photo of the rite in notiblog
and says look at the rite without photoshop
I look at the breasts of rite and has a Nipple tremendous scars on
debate on the nipples of the rite and the
photoshop me as three seeds in a row and I think that I dislike
you feel like a heavy, has lots of butter or hydrogenated oil and I have fear that I fall for the wrong
doubt as a ham and cheese sandwich but the ham is doubtful re
half-smelling slimy

not much drama for me today I feel that I have no phobia
and pass just the propaganda of rheumatism with very old old man think
re sure flashing the old man to death at some point but is still alive
old man and as death is inevitable, I think the gray
ends and begins blessed tv
still raining post
reread all seem old and shit
today everything is shit, just that I believe I have qeu qeu thousand to give me the ball
publishers "publishers" no, the editorial
please whatever you want
editorial suddenly grabs me thinking that I have to be controversy and talk bad about people so I have more public, then I am the rite by saying that I had to work for "other things" and it quotes as saying, if che, I was pretty cat
open the twitter of the people who hate it hate
I can not stop reading twitter
hate those people who speak well of
mother told me again and in what year? qeudas
not bad if you speak well of your mother how old you have
I remember the mother of a former boyfriend
I reading the twitter of those people and always speak highly of some fruit
not understand what is going to mention a fruit and to quote some authors who do not know why
is art?
Minujin I see and I despair at Malba
cause all I despair a lot and not everything is roughly
had lunch and I get bad poruqe feel that nothing makes sense because it had done everything marta marta
is everything
president marta marta
horizontal obelisk did in the 70

marta is everything on TV talking about this memory seems
Vadala Vadala asked him to put a remis silver
forest Vadala
memory is said that a group ticket goes 6.5 Murga
tested out and I still have the balls filled


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