Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Block Foundation Depth

auctions and bidding for a good cause - helping a princess to be good

I dedicate this post to: Alba and her family, Eva M ª - our Nena more supportive and create awareness , all the artisans who gave their creations, and those like us pujamos for a good cause.

This is the story of Alba, a beautiful girl of 27 months which was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma at the tender age of 6 months from then is treated in the hospital, and away from her twin sister to that check so much. His parents
Nieves and Rafael , with labor problems that have been found, continue their struggle for the speedy recovery of her child.

A story that moved Eva Maria Nena Na art that was put to work and created a solidarity project "Let's help a little princess-in which raise funds for Alba and her family through an auction.
In principle in his charity project, Eva M ª artesanota fantastic, going to auction a series of hearts in your collection Grrr ... but to his initiative, joined by support of tod @ s @ s vosotr - l @ s @ s crafts - and managed to make a lot of auctions, with precious works made with different materials.

For our part we contribute as best we know, bidding, and we say that although the bids were at odds, in most cases, the cause was worth it, and your work done with all mime, was a real incentive to do so, and increase revenue end of the project.

Here we leave our wonderful acquisitions, we look for Alba and her family. Thanks to Teresa
of Be Sheep! for his work:
A very cool headband, a ring of felt with gingham button, and one of his precious little girls.

A Esther of Lola Endive Marisa for its spectacular good atmosphere, which I like to packaging.
And Eva M ª d Na Art Baby Princess for giving the prize following completion of the project.
Tell you it was a pleasure to meet you and you are amazing and you continue on your projects whenever we need solidarity.


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