Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How Do You Say Mucus Plug In Spanish?

elenarte Flamenco Dress with Ria Ria Pita - Now more than ever, sounds and looks

Today, and after a few days of unexcused absence ...
post again, clattering to present a project with great skill.

all know that the Flemish crosses borders, and what is clear is that it does not take Andalusian to feel and love.
This is the case with Nuria, a passionate flamenco and fashion, still living in the North, and in times of crisis, has been launched this year with an adventure that has left us speechless.
But do not think it has been difficult, sometimes tortuous path, and a companion who was on the way, have been its price. But she has not given up, based on their efforts, ideas and dreams, has made his mark, a reality.

Here I bring the recipe for success.


Cheers, Copla, Tirititrán
Palmas, Heart, Feeling
Force, Lunar Sound
Combs, Carnations, Castanets
Flyers, Cancionero popular
Tacon English Guitar
air, Passions, and Amores .


Put all ingredients in a shaker and shake cautiously.
good company, above
shirts, ;
or pin

both cold and hot, and you will have on the table unique and unmistakable Ria Ria Pita, or what is the same, the sound fantastic tolling occurs when fingers and hit the castanets, as the luzcáis.

And I am sure that you have been wanting more, here are your link to know it, you should follow, marvel, and luzcáis lot.


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