Friday, December 24, 2010

Yamaha Gp1200 Compression

Madrid in December

When you miss a few days in Madrid , the return to Roqueta is much slower. Its fast pace for a few hours disturbs you, but want to see everything, hear everything, walking around. Everything is magnified, and you are small and invisible among so many people.
few days of disconnection, or connection and activation, we need them all.
So I decided to travel, even if it was alone (my boy Manu could not come for work , and my friend Mike by lack of tickets for the two types), and take the invitation Noe (our Majorcan Fame brunette), for a few days with her and enjoy the capital. (I have the honor of being one of their monitors esplai to see her grow, and pursue their dreams, and I'm excited to be part of your life. A nice, nice weekend, feisty, hardworking, professional, and a love of girl. As you can see, to me, any adjective falls short;)).
With the earlier concerns of a single trip (the airport on time, (thank goodness that I accompanied my sister Yaiza that but not far), take everything (maps, clothing, documents, PDA), which fit the suitcase on Ryanair meter, delays, travel movidito (compis seat - young couple to quarrel and reconciliation including ), the Madrid metro and transfers to the destination.
And finally arrived, somewhat later, and there she was, waiting at the subway exit. Yuju, we'll buy something I said, and then we eat, we have to be updated.
My first surprise was his roommate, Alex Manga , a Majorcan estate as she, singer, dancer, teacher, and best of all majisimoo and loving guy.
My first day in Madrid and super good company. (I have to say that a bit embarrassed because I thought that Noe did not share the floor, but the deal was so good that the two made me feel at home.)
After lunch and catch up, and with some travel headaches, I went with Noah to see her work as a teacher, a hall full of young people who she longed to see her in action, preparing a very cool choreography for their final course. Tell I hallucinated seeing all those girls dancing, disconnecting, and enjoying, for a while, his student life. I loved and I had a great time, despite my constant headache.
few hours after we got home, I was cast dust, drank a glass of warm milk and a paracetamol and fell into the sofa, poor Noah, until soup I made the first day, I prepared the mattress and blankets and even clothed me, I had come to see her and she took care of me my first night spent in his small apartment.
Saturday, I slept late, Noe had classes in the morning and Alex was not (he had gone to spend the weekend with his family GMT), some breakfast, showered, and eat a couple of tortillas prepared potato salad, which least what I was careful, do not you think?
About 15:30 pm she arrived and a surprise: my boy, without saying anything took the tickets to spend a few days together the three, she had class and went to look for the subway.
I was hallucinating, you had me to see the happy face, ate and started looking at my PDA in which he pointed out everything interesting to do and walking on the streets of Madrid.
we say that the plans, the metro, and the wonderful gps iphone is sucked move;).
Our first stop on Saturday afternoon, The ArteGift - Artisan Gift Show, where we look up live and direct the work of many amazing artisans.
In some already know his work through their blogs or facebook, and others were completely unknown to us.
It was quite an experience and although we know that it was not as good as they expected - (because we arrived just when you were together (quite angry), the organization of the event, handing out brochures, space, etc), I want you to know that some Mallorcan enjoyed your work there and stayed forever in our retinas.
Aquí os dejo unas fotos de nuestras nuevas adquisiciones.
El pollito con cascarón - llavero - de El Escondite de la Araña
El caniche - pinza para el pelo - de Mona a Mano
and figurines of Belen and the point of the book (a gift) are Experience "and Artesandrias
After a brief look at Market Fuencarral and Kling ; Pepa Loves my favorites, and flower design with a little cinnamon on the top floor small stall full of scarves, foulards, hats, tiaras, brooches vintage care, which brought me a beautiful scarf.
We met with Noe (after school) to go for tapas in Madrid, our meeting point: The Mallorcan , the pastry so famous Puerta del Sol, what better place to be 3 Mallorca;) because it took us ... long time since we saw so many people together and that atmosphere in Christmas, and once together we went to Almería (cl a water bar in the La Latina), which is great for tapas, small but nice, and to us highly recommended, and when I could not avoid buying the fabulous reindeer hat that we had a diver in the Plaza Mayor.

played Sunday visit LITTLE MISS Maymun a creative space, re_creación with: Tienda_Showroom, Taller_Laboratorio and Production , a paradise in Madrid, where we enjoyed a wonderful Make & Take of Scrapbooking sponsored by Toga, free.
advantage these days in Madrid we not lost him. So you already had been Asun of Megustaloquehaces making their first turns. That lujazo to share and learn Scrapbooking (crop, boring, paste, and compose a collage) to make a nice little card Christmas all together.
Here you have a picture of my creation.
a pity that we have no premises, no such activities, to learn, share, and meet all the Roqueta. So you know, if someone comes to life, enchanted us come.
I leave the very cool video they recorded.

Later in the afternoon, our intention was to move the Christmas Market The Irish Rover (which they say is the biggest Irish pub in the capital and the best scenario), which was our favorite-bad bad bad Breaking The Pana and Moflis with fun clothing for children, storytelling, games and workshops for the kids in the house, a planazo for Sunday afternoon, only truncated by the hour, gave us no time to go, but what we aim for another year to visit you.

On Monday, a little culture, exhibition of Alexander in the exhibition hall of the Canal de Isabel II, who gave us one of the great historical legacies of humanity, his achievements and impressive young woman who died. If you like you can and do not miss it. While doing time to enter the exhibition was a pigeon in my coat needs, and as I say, give me luck for the tenth Christmas Lottery (100 euritos) to distribute the work compis, if not ill wind that blows no good. Then it was the turn of Debod Temple, temple of ancient Egypt, which moved in 1968 to Madrid, as a gift in return for English aid for the construction of the Aswan Dam.

On Tuesday, Manuel turned to Roqueta (afternoon), so we ride, we ate out, and I accompanied him to the airport, then I expect a store Klassiks cl Zurbano filled Cyclone (my brand of jewelry for excellence), to buy my Christmas presents, and a shopping mall - that of Príncipe Pío, which found a store with FUSHIOKO work Silvia Gándara, Procrastination Lady, Serendipity , Ladyblackness , inter alia, I remember fondly the illusion that I did. As always me had taken everything, but had already made the quota and then scold me home, pointed quedais;) to look as soon as possible.

Wednesday in Madrid Noe ride with some hours, I delight in the shop Divine Providence in Fuencarral, and ended up buying from TIGER a heart and a wool knit kit (I hope surprise you with what comes out soon, but not promising anything), and then returned to his apartment to eat, she was just about to give classes (poor, not to), I said goodbye to Alex and back to Roqueta again.
he cuts me, I hope poder volver pronto que me ha quedado muchísimo por hacer.

Y después de este post tan largo, contandos nuestras peripecias por Madrid, Megustaloquehaces os desea a todos una muy Feliz Nochebuena.


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