Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cheap Sunfish For Sale

dating in person * *

Desde que empecé mi aventura bloguera, en una fría y nevada mañana de marzo, he tenido la gran suerte de ir conociéndos por las redes sociales (blogspot, facebook, twitter), de leeros, de compartir, de conversar,  de recibir vuestro cariño, de admirar, y de lucir vuestro increíble trabajo.
A algunas de vosotras, a las más cercanas, os he conocido en ferias artesanales, aquí en Mallorca, like: Carmen
of Art Abanic , met her at the Fira de Capdepera, with its wonderful fans, corsets, brooches and necklaces. A artesanota that I never tire of admiring, soon I will look for one of its precious vintage necklaces that I had the good fortune to win their sweepstakes for its 100,000 visitors.
If you have the opportunity, with her beautiful corsets, in MADE Mallorca Design , 10, 11 and December 12 (Bar Havanna C / Sant Magi No. 4, Santa Catalina, Palma) - free admission .
Marta of Mandai, with whom I met in Capdepera and the fira of Alaro (few months), which turns with her mother, used clothing which we no longer useful, beautiful handbags, purses, necklaces, and brooches. I have the pleasure of wearing one of their precious bags (which you see in the picture), and one of his flower brooches (a precious gift that I did), if they find you, I lost.
Mayol Laura, the girl garnet in the picture back, which I have the real luxury of being friends, and every day surprises me with her jewels, in his blog brand new, last Saturday I could not resist and I look and some of its pending wonderful collection starry sky.
His teacher and all her classmates at school jewelry - Marina, Adeline, Miriam, Amanda and Anna - have mounted, and have showcased their works in silver, copper, felt and ceramics in Christmas Market - Is Coco - Lloseta , last weekend.
Anastasia of Nou L'Accent to which I have a mad desire to know and we have not agreed, an expert in polymer clay, combined with natural elements. His work is a real luxury of good taste and creativity, and also your photos are incredible.
And for me the best felt artesanota in Mallorca, Elena of elenarte . Whose work I admire in his blog, and a store in Palma, and I have completely conquered. Building
living in Roqueta, which celebrated its first anniversary, and had a promotion in your blog, I figured it was time to show off their work, and that the best way to do it was to get for a drink, meet and see his work live.
You should have seen me in the cafeteria that we were, I do not know how she was, we had not given the phone, often fail, and if you can not come?, All we had were the mails to be, the place , and time.
I arrived early to give a good picture, my boy had blown away, lately I'm late everywhere. And I sat at one table, to wait in front of a good warm coffee.
While leafing through magazines Donate I and Women Today , she appeared, a woman like me, young and simpáticota, with a lovely brooch on the lapel of his jacket.
I thought, this woman should be Elena, nerves ... I introduced a whole artesanota of my island. She came and asked me to break the ice - you Asun, of Megustaloquehaces?
Yes - I said, from that moment we shared table, conversation, laughter, and experiences.
terrain is quite a creative, self, perfectionist, and a very nice weekend. To me a big HandMade. Elena
Thanks for the opportunity you gave me, I enjoyed meeting you and hope to repeat.
Here you have the wonderful job I have the pleasure of looking. Do not miss the track, which is already beginning to surprise thousands of mums, with his new job.


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