dream we are a large group people, and people from facebook are the actresses
plan them and are in any food whizzed
are re fun at another table are my friends, and we started fighting Soldati
one speaks and says that if you do not give housing resources
shut Nazi says another, and this tells
Nazi shut and insists that insists NA NA-ZI-ZI
shut gorilla, says the first, and I realize that sleep is the opposite gorilla
Nazi macri appears on TV and screams that said Nazi NAZI, NAZI, NAZI gets
re effusive and I look around me
outside run to the side and I think they are all dumb
I realize that I re-think but I'm sure to be the smartest
my friends are still fighting and people appear Soldati
on TV that says Nazi cries hold Bolivia
the other gorilla yells
I want to explain what is wrong using the term gorilla, but I do not go
micheti appears on TV and shouting Nazi says this is a paralytic asshole
approached me and I want to say something about the rights humans, but I realize I know nothing and do not say anything on TV
anibal Pachano appears and yells uh Nazi says this AIDS patient and I come
aia boluda floor, you're a Nazi? says my friend and I say gorilla appear again
girls hit vy plan is the marriage of girls v
plan I see with the candlestick 7 candles and say ah, of course, my friends are Jewish
Nazi says, screams u always making these beans
bard my friend approached me and give a speech about what being a Nazi and what it is to be my friend
not look at me look at me when I talk to say I'm
hit the kid's house to which he unwittingly send the mail speaking ill of her
in sleep but I'm scared because I think this chick has me here at home and I will send this mail
in the dream I remember that as you send an email requesting apologies
cough in sleep, much
avivo me that I can escape through the garage and attacks to crack but
up all the mother, father, sister re
all make me cool and I do not know how to crack
rober veni, eat breakfast and also tell me that other chick, mariela, that the dream left her husband and she fell to the two daughters to the house of this chick
I suddenly realize that we are home to all I want to go
show up on the set of rsm rsm
I work in production but suddenly
Marian tells fabiani sacamela another producer, sacamela from here, you know it to brothel, I told you I want nothing this
look, and Marian concerns
Zulma Lobato was invited to sleep on the floor of rsm but the wedding dress " The Corpse Bride "Tim Burton, 'cause the producers wanted him to give a twist to Zulma
this is art, I think in the dream, and Zulma has
contorted face or put a fart, or burst the post
Marian fabiani see haggard and with voice, and I think clear, the voice comes out when it is re copada finite, but has a dual personality, and when it is most serious voice
Guacha has approached me and say hey, Mary, rest assured that if Zulma reaches into crisis I will contain it and called the ambulance
in the dream gives me panic that Zulma outbreak proque I can not handle is psychotic, but still, I want to hold off and I shot this fabiani fabiani
calm down, but I think not no turning back because the microphone was not all that cut and aired
'm suddenly in the street and use a 147
in sleep boluda me say that I'm going to bondi everywhere in the end I have car I?
leave the car and grabbed the bike
of I hit with my nephew and I have to come running
upa a wolf and I'll stick fast in a house and say the aunt is going to save
safamos wolf in sleep and suddenly I'm walking
climb stairs and is a cliff and my nephew almost fell over the cliff but I with all the strength and dexterity in the world except what saved him
, hug him and tell him you're not going to happen is never anything poruqe
aunt my nephew has the face of panic and I realize that although he believes he has saved
trauma will never forget this, I think
I am guilty, I think I wake
laburar attempt to get up but I can not cough
I have dreams I have
not know if I'm sick or stressed
I understand nothing, nudging the laptop and pulled me guguleo
tn the site where you can see that tn, or channel 26 or CN5, or get channel 26 cnn
Soldati Soldati
everything is open facebook and all by Soldati discussed
all speak without knowing, I think
me that I do not know much
me that I studied urban planning, and I have clear re
I put things on "Metropolis" in the fb, and it sounds to re-word metropolis cumbia
suddenly think that if you say the word metropolis re cumbia sounds you cry you bitch genocidal coup appears
read Sbaraglia
ball seems to know things, it seems like a guy says
re committed to remember their 12 or 13 years, that these are the first few times of consciousness that is, that they had been elections before the military government
read this read is a forgetful
said that in many parts of the world is difficult to feel represented
ball in the world knows I read, read is a type traveled
read says that we must continue to disobey any order of inhumanity
I read said it was qeu speech later in the country
read says that at that time had uneasiness
read says that we are talking about nationalities today, when early twentieth century, thinkers ... in the world there was no talk of thinkers
passports and passport
do not quite understand leo leo
says many economic groups
read says to create a one a one eh, a picture of the country as a company, no? Leo
gets a "no?"
calamaro what I read said that the world is suddenly
all want a piece of inslandia
read says we are speaking of ignorant people is a light
leo leo leo says
model says that does not like the models sarcosi , such as berlusconi
I realize that is not who is sarcosi, but who is read
Zulma Lobato said that moments of crisis one should be more solidarioLEO YOU WERE IN 2001 ??!?!?!
read these charging me!??!
read back now that Spain is Patrikios?!
anger me because I read a piece of Iceland, Portugal or poetic
this matter and I said this issue reminds of the window and the time of 2008 that it was all "that case" speaks of art
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