Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Brazalian Wax In Bucks Pa

Cyclone ... and you talk about dating and enjoying

"When a hurricane starts just a bit of energy so that, little by little, go becoming a flood. This happened with Cyclone, from the energy of the first idea until today, leaving a trail of design and innovation. "
Cyclone Mission, taken from his Facebook page .

When your life becomes a Cyclone nothing is impossible.

I knew before opening my humble blog, or as I affectionately call "your home", because without you my life would not be possible, "and I still excited to see her jewelry in the windows.
Cyclone is not only a brand of handmade jewelry, but for me is a small family, which forms part as you know them (take care of you, pamper you and make you feel important), a cast of fantastic people that make what you like, come true. Cyclone
, is your to your, and word of mouth, a brand that I assure you I did not go unnoticed. His designs
care, quality of materials used, originality in their parts, and good taste, makes them different. But that is not all an affordable price, that raises awareness and encourages lucirles. So glad, right?
I encourage you to meet them, follow them, admire them and lucirles. Put Cyclone in your life.

I've already done, and with the help of Mike Gallego (my great friend and fantastic photographer, who has given me wonderful), I have ventured to me a few pictures, and show up to contest organized with my best look Cyclone.
After preparing the space, lots of laughs, and some pizza, here are the selected.
Since we had more photos than I asked, they send them all and see that beautiful collages created. I have stopped listing. That
want to put a face to Asun Megustaloquehaces? Well this is the coolest Asun, without glasses, and Cyclone on the skin. Hope you like.
And if you, you urge to vote for me, just have to let you fans of Facebook cyclone, and seek any of these photos at your event Cyclone Contest Best Look , and if you like how we have been, click the Like .
Thank you all in advance.

So you know, if you give or you buy Cyclone at this time, you are still in time to participate in fantastic competition (two calls) . I command you to Mike if you need it;) but cuidadmelo lot.
Many kisses and happy week from Megustaloquehaces.


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