3 and then watch zeitgeist
wall and spent the day feeling that in 2012 reaches the end of the world under the fb
and now I show all my contacts updates fb, and people that I have no desire to I rot
read enough of reading things isms such as phyto says in the song that says "I no longer pertenzco to any ism," but I think that now belongs, well I think, not that I'm sure I'll
a talk on bloggers and I get fully into the controversy now is that it is easier to identify the policy trend
people I care about politics, because apart vi zeitgeist 3 that made for my God or Muhammad or Buddha as I do is now easy to know what do you think because if you say what you think quickly associated with that then you are not yet cornered the world that this enMEPUDRO
good enough, I mean in the chat but I got one on the political issue and a gentleman in the background tells me OIME YOU WERE THE THEME
you brought me escape from all the comments saying THERAPY new girl and there are some laughs, not many, but I do not know, I think, 'cause out there if they knew me laugh more, I think I demand to
be 100% funny, but I make a pathetic role, because I myself celebration
jokes girl films and I hope that none of that upload it to youtube
feel that my back hurts and I see if cancer or something serious that I I am not giving
ball I think the zeitgeist and wall and
all the time I get confused and think that wall e is the continuation of zeitgeist 3
bothers me a little mustache lord venus project or something, by Zeigeist 3, do not understand if mustache is finite or is a problem in the lip
my computer is shit and monitor's settings are another shit
think Fukushima and Haiti and Chile and e wall in 3 and whole zeitgeist s the same thing we're
to die? I think and I think if
surely obvious, obvious
are finite, finite
way I touch by Congress and I have the memory of coup once he was in Congress with a former boyfriend and was not the 2004 or 2005 or something like that and we ran into some friends and was as a guy now and tuc inviernito. HOPE
hit that memory is HOPE and path
is desperate now and we will die
not know what gave me hope in 2005 and now is the age
think it's age, which in 2005 was 28 years
clear is that now I have 34 and 34 is like 40
is there and I have almost 40, it is obvious
6 years is nothing hard architecture
6 years and it was not
architecture was nothing?
again throw me against what I am?
is about the neurosis that, Robertito, sure I would say my psicolgoa
eludes me and watch my favorite villain and I cry with my favorite villain in the part where the girls will touch the heart
in fb are talking about whether something is or is not ista ista and if you're not ista're the worst and get sick and close the fb because I can not believe the time is now asshole asshole
as a friend passed me photos a friend with the ex-wife and I realize that your friend is unhappy because I see him face to face
woman his wife and his father's face and it is obvious that this kid is unhappy
stay with my friend Obviously we have to write everything estoTENEMOS write what we say but try to write something and I get hit
I remember that I have to finish today if you or the correction of the novel so it happened to my friend that I correct errors the spelling and do not finish yet but I'm desperate
chatting about how bad you going in life insurance, a friend of this friend of mine
analyze the hair of the former wife of his friend
a friend speaks to me on msn and tell me that he fought with a friend
tells me he loves me because he wants to tell I stretch my opinion
and spine still hurts me tell dale
'm an expert in former friends and I give you all an explanation re hodgepodge of many cases of ex-friends I have
thousand because I think mine took me out of msn fb
your my friend can explain your problem and derives all again in a dialog or ist ist, ism ism or not and I have the balls to bowl badly
NOT UNDERSTAND HOW PEOPLE DO NOT ENTIENDEEEEE violet and suddenly I want everyone watch the zeitgeist and feel a contradiction between the "isms, Poronga ist or what is and the great Bible which is the zeitgeist
hit the zeitgeist is everything to me except the architectural design proposed by the old man with the mustache lip finite or rare flash
send a mail to say that I'm laburar over there to that because it is a cutting-edge urban design need not have a counterpart in the architectural design futuristic not innovate THERE DAD but I think I want to say again that wall e is the continuation of the zeitgeist and then nothing makes sense because it is obviously not going to happen what this man proposed
then there is no revolution, say on channel 26 or csn or cnn or channel 9, do not understand are all red and I do not
THE REVOLUTION IS ZEITGEISTTTTTTTTTT sleeve to and by god I'm stretched
all sounds like old-fashioned and I say this on msn and I get angry because I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE GREAT REVOLUTION THAT IS HAPPENING
no, I do not understand
love me eh, I'd understand
eye but I do not understand
not understand the Chinese remainder theorem, always give the same example
like shit was the Chinese remainder theorem?
I care more about the Chinese remainder theorem qeu the revolution do not understand?
the representative system, they say on TV
150mil million, they say on TV journalists
contribute in many nosequé say on TV, because I get to hear what the proposal
say on TV CHECK OUT THE ZEITGEISTTTTTTT 3 mongos manga god, do not see is the bible
qeu me with the zeitgeist 3 fanatics
who have over 50 years, they say on TV
traveling at 151 to Congress and there is a certain contingent of idiots who fall into Niceto
3 idiots argue over the year 80 or year 70 or year 90
discussed fanatics like me to speak with absolute conviction about what happened in the 1310
canchera I want the kid that did not understand anything but I look at the hand and has a ring on every finger
I'm sorry I look good and have their nails painted as calcium
untidy nails but I'm sorry I look kind
mother and I, and will learn and I'm the type that TV says that we more than 50
we keep breaking, they say on TV we
say on TV today is the glory, they say on TV
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