Saturday, April 16, 2011

2 Month Old Baby With Flem Cough

bibliography and biography of Luis Carlos Lopes

The Colombian poet Luis Carlos López "The one-eyed", wrote poems of great indigenization, lyrical beauty and all with a distinct sense of humor, as evidenced by these verses autobiographical
"candied Cutis, Nose hook curve and the cap, which carries half the shaggy side Surge hair rebellion. "
was born in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia into a distinguished family of limited financial resources. His family was part English and part Basque. He studied at local schools and after earning high school, he began to study medicine, but the War of the Thousand Days prevented him from finishing the race.
Luis Carlos López studied the classics on their own, especially Schopenhauer, Unamuno, Nietzsche and did so throughout his life. He corresponded with Miguel de Unamuno. His only trip to Bogotá he did at the completion of the Thousand Days War and upon returning joined the family business, dedicated to trade. Lopez was not happy in that occupation and spent his free time reading and composing his poems. In 1905 he married Anne Cowan Marina and had three children.
His love of reading earned him the following comment by one of his critics: "Luis Carlos Lopez is a wealthy merchant and cunning, his friends in the Chamber of Commerce conceptualize the pernicious habit of writing poetry you will pass with time. They also expect such a cure of their other friends who are not of the House. No doubt has enough power to get rid of the organic fad. "
Leaving the family business, the poet lived from difficult times economically. Eventually he held diplomatic posts in Munich and in the United States. Colombia to leave to go to Munich composed these verses: "Goodbye, eating native! I'm going and my scarf looks like a wounded bird who longs return, while the steamship singla under the sky Safir, Cutting the infinite turquoise sea.
I can never forget the heroic land of my ancestors!. Do not forget I can not even kissing a girl that knows how to sweet not even playing billiards with friends. "
After Munich poet was sent to the United States where he settled in the city of Baltimore and remained there for seven years.
His work is contained manners and his style was characterized by sharp and full of humor, facing customs the time, describing it did with verses Munich like these, addressed to a priest friend:
"Ah, my dear Father.'s good in it.
Metropolis, eating cabbage and sausage,
No flies mosquitoes in the delicious nap,
And you ask me to go to hear a sermon, "

The poet is known by the nickname" The one-eyed "and García Prada explained this on behalf as well: "His eyes are clear, sharp, lively, and to make matters worse, it has distorted the law, left and right, which is good. So call it the Eye, although it is known for certain that with the eye "eyed" look better than the good. "
Among his works: In my village, awkward postures, several to many, for shortcut, Dutch Quarter, While rains, American Poetry, Notes street, a dog, Environment, Night landmark, to my native town, Toast, processional Day, Christmas Eve, Serenata, A still life, Satan, a friend.
Luis Cartagena Carlos Lopez died in his hometown at age 71 victims of cardiac complications. *****
From my Vilorio (Madrid, 1908)
awkward postures (Madrid, 1909)
On the Shortcut (1920)
Verses (1946)
also part of the book Many to Many (1910)


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