Thursday, March 10, 2011

Doujin-moe Free Member Acount

Sacocharte Surprise! - 1st Anniversary of Megustaloquehaces

On this day we begin to know each other, since our world has changed.
We can not live without you in our lives.
why we want to celebrate in style and we got down to work.
We started making a chocolate cake, putting her all the love in the world, to thank the 365 days we have experienced fantastic moments, and yet to come.

Thank you very much for reading, for always being there, by your words and mimes, for your expertise, sweetness, and knowledge. To reach out and be more than friends @ s, are a real family and we love you very much.

And like all true, no gifts, and we will become artisans by and for you @ s. Accompany our experiments also surprised with what you like best.

So we love that you aim at them, leaving your comment. And we ask
Your name and initials of the surnames, where are you, a contact email, and that is what I would like Megustaloquehaces do for you, and give us ideas.
It is not necessary to be a follower, only if you like what we do.
If you want to announce to the four winds, we will be happy.
days have until 10/04/2011.


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