grabs me cough and I think I scared the death
not want to die of a cough or something like I'm dying
to bathe because I qeu something hot is going to come good and gives me me a straw down to you, the bathroom as I have here nomas
I shower in the bathroom
think of the
cough bothers me cough?
bothers me cough?
not bother me? I cuetna
what bothers me is the possibility diseases latent there have to take antibiotics
bother me antibiotics in themselves?
not bother me that they can not chew
bother me all the pills that you can not chew
I have fear of choking?
think of swallowing a pill and give me a thousand degree phobia but I think telling my psychologist and I che Algua I'm afraid to take my pill and psychology in my mind
me caga a pedos do not understand why drugs are not as yummy chewable or flancitos
idiot man on the moon, re-type drugs can be
flancito the man did not get to the moon, ok, it was Kubrick was? but still you are not transplanted, a shrimp Call it, as things, tell me if you can not be a little better human being pharmaceutical or biochemical or whoever makes the drug, and throw a wave
nose, taste Ponele taffy, or Ponele least
tasteless to air, so tasteless rich air
to obvious not to smell some idiots shouting
bondi down, I have a wart that I realized today was a grain
uqe grain is horrible word, but word is more horrible wart
the end I do it myself away, luckily I did not go to the dermatologist papelon, I think I have
cold spring is coming spring is coming or not fools still shouting down
want to be a happy chick, nomas reach ends
again the idea of \u200b\u200bgetting
ends meet if I hope to God that more money to make ends meet, advise me ask a little better qeu less so is realizable
but for me I have you ask uqe
god but I think I get the silver
Freudian and start with as interchangeable, and that brings me to the symbolic equation poo-penis-child always in my I say poo-foo mind-child
not understand that is poo-foo-child but I love to speak my mind suddenly
qeu think I have to make money again I think
temrinos production, I say take, I say do
make money, I say, do poop boluda avivate
and again I re closes well as the symbolic equation that just do not understand
I think about that from now on I will be aquitecta
stick it to be, so ARQUTIECTA
SER SER I am an architect
or work as an architect? I get re nacha new age with you paste or paste to the identity and speak to the toast. spoke to the toast it?
insist on work-ready to become an architect and tell me
ready boluda already tell me if that's total life
boluda life is that, that
that is? what? I have as a dialogue
re psychotic or neurotic self that, as this chapter of women killer was?
fogwil was vera che fogwil not died?
nothing, I say it is
arqutiecta and ready to study, I tell myself
then insist on seeing me in my mind going to work in a study
ready, go and work in a studio and you're
8, 9 hours
I be happy?
not but I will be just as unhappy that 85% of the people who work and do not like their work
and I imagine taking my 106 poruqe ta well from now on go to work in a studio in my mind , but not in fart I take the good has
have my mind working in the studio, and well, that life is so
not? I say total
work, pay the alKILLER and ready, then grab and well, that's it, you die and go
if it does not matter much if you're Robertito or if you are an architect, as I say
if the move is good , make ends meet, and then comes the next month, and so
life after you arrive and you good old
moris ready, Morita, I
tell all this to my psychologist and I see these charging me
Robertito ?
lili I say no but seriously, if you like, then grab and well, you die, death comes, ready
ask me, is not it strange that it appears to you right now?
that is JUST NOW? I tell him I insist on the architecture
say, look for something to study, which
I have to like me is not so awful
many people is an architect and is doing well
ready, I'll be one more, of those people , I want to be a lot of
I do the special, I'm not a lot of SOS AND THE LOT
calibrated my psychologist spent 20 minutes telling me that if one is clear about something he does ...
something like a bit disruptive
poruqe me made me a plate of cookies and do not know if they are the new Apple Quack or that
of qeu are?
are apple?
not understand
ends the session and how you have to go, we go out together and says
I have to put my name bigger in the brochure design
I did and I have cold shoulders shrug, and say no .. and larger? no .. see if people see it: D
me rio chiquito sos kings, he says
walked a half block imitating kings tiny
two kings walking are two tiny
say you saw it like this the old facade now martel ?
my psychologist tells me we are talking about a disaster olmedo
say that those people stay in cualuqiera, after Olmedo's death made
think olmedo
ball on the floor I think the word I hate the word MARAL
not know if I hate olmedo poruqe died right there because it is fat or fat
that is the word
maral reached the corner and we said goodbye
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