plans is a challenge especially when you've had a day of wine, beer, cheese and more wine. :-) However, we do it ... Between Fer obsessive attitude and intensity of Nuria, many maps, a laptop, a coffee each and already the plan for Monday, two greenhouses of cacti in Cadereyta de Montes, the caves of Los Herrera and archaeological areas Toluquilla frogs and in the municipalities of San Joaquin and Cadereyta.
will start early and try to visit first the farthest, probably the archaeological site of frogs. Then I talk to them as we went.
About 24 hours after
From the farthest to the closest, that was a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe day, we headed to San Joaquin, according to one of the guides was a journey that would take us 2:15 hours. An hour later, we find the road to San Joaquin, only 35 miles separated us from our destination, passing the farthest village ruins, those of the Frogs about three miles ahead. We were amazed at the agility of Fer-driving and we congratulated ourselves that she had been the designated driver of the outward journey, return I was up to me.
course, as in life, on the road do not count your chickens before. The 38 miles we were already missing through hills in the Sierra Gorda and although the road was in good condition, we realized that's where one missed the other time for travel: curve, after curve, some listed on the road with the typical curved arrow to the left or right, as others with an S and flat, others with an arrow at right angles. The visual spectacle was well worth it, the penalty was driving Fer I mean, because Nuri and the server was quite pleasant ... visibility and a fully lined hills of green and brown as one would find in autumn maple trees in Canada.
Coming to San Joaquin, the idea was to have breakfast before going to the first ruins. We quickly found a tourist map at the entrance, with some sites of interest and most importantly a list of restaurants. Two of these were in visual distance and 50 meters distance from the map in question. To this point we felt gringo tourists in tiny bikini with lush bodies, by the way everyone looked at us tenants. Of course, it should be noted that the thermometer indicated that Cheyenne was eight degrees and we were in shorts, t-shirts and sunglasses.
the van for pants and jackets and move to the first restaurant. We entered, were beginning operations and apparently the owners / managers were having breakfast ... Imagine you, dear reader, we were invisible, Mr. (a couple of fat and ugly) even turned to see us, we are not invited to go, gave us not even a hello or a "closed", nothing. So we told them useless and we went to the next restaurant. The second place was called Citlali and that two ladies in the kitchen and a young woman played punchy title to the most helpful and friendly. The thing was more or less like this:
- Good morning, how we can offer some breakfast? Already open?
- If you, enjoy it, please. What do you want?
- What is it?
- For what we want ... How do you want?
- Well, to start something warm ...
- Coffee?
- Yes, please!
- pass it, enjoy it ... "And some eggs or a typical enchiladas?
- Yes, you go faster ...
- No, because what you want.
- For enchiladas, please.
- While sit and here's your coffee and we leave these rolls ...
And yes, when I have cool nicknames tend to talk to, sorry.
A basket of bread sweet, fresh and rich, accompanied our coffee pot (half of the pot, it was not sweetened with brown sugar), arrived a few minutes after the enchiladas that were a spicy, but with black beans, refried beans and delicious, accompanied them were the perfect breakfast.
already dressed in pants, jackets and a breakfast to support two days, we climbed into the truck and move the rest of the town and three kilometers of curves to the Frogs.
frogs, Herrera and Toluquilla Why
called Frogs have no idea, that does not explain it anywhere. Toluquilla, however, it is because Hill is half hunchback and that's how you say razorback hill Hispanic language already forgot what it is. No name is so important, what is interesting is that both sites are "well" preserved, although not completely explored and explained: it is not known how cultures lived there in three and one were found in the other four ball games and were important because they revolve around the other buildings.
constructions, of course, model, and accompany the mountains that sustain or, rather, that contain them. Offering spectacular views of all creeks and points of entry and exit to the respective areas and can appreciate more hundred buildings at each site. Although the pyramids themselves and major buildings and Toluquilla Frogs are not huge, like the pyramids of Teotihuacan and Chichen Itza, to understand these pyramids as extensions of the mountains and enjoy the view, look majestic and imposing.
are not the typical tourist site, I came to this conclusion when I noticed we were the only visiting the ruins and over the last three days (including a Saturday and Sunday) no more than a dozen people appeared in the records to visit each site. $ 31 cost of access and very friendly staff INAH.
Toluquilla is more over here, which here means Querétaro (DF), and not in San Joaquin, but north of the town of Cadereyta. So before going to Toluquilla, we went through the caves Los Herrera, if you are just a few meters outside of San Joaquin.
The caves of Los Herrera offer an impressive run, but brief, in 30 minutes you can visit the public part of the cave, which has an infrastructure that facilitates access: stairs, artificial lighting, hand rails and even comes with a guide " volunteers "who will talk about the cave and ask you between 200 and 300 pesos. By the way, if the days would work better paid in the history of humanity, because they do nothing and then they're lighting a pile of rocks and formations in the cave and explain "what they seem": from a chicken to a crocodile, a lion passing chimuelo, a king and prepared, the Roman Empire. "Depth, age, type of sediment or any other details really interesting about the caves? No, these do not handle them.
The tourist part of the caves Los Herrera take you about 50 meters underground in fanciful constructions very impressive. If it came to San Joaquin, worth seeing.
If spelunking is your thing, you have equipment and know what you do, these are the caves for you. The non-touristy part of the cave has a distance of 1.2 km and 300 meters deep, but is accessible only with permission and for professionals. Or so they said. Cacti
on Fifth Schmoll
continue the descent, 45 minutes down the hill and about 30 minutes back on Highway 120, San Juan del Rio - Xilitla, to San Juan. Before leaving the town of Cadereyta find the signs for the Fifth Schmoll and Regional Botanic Garden, just visit the first, which preserve and grow hundreds of cacti from the American and African continents.
The visit is interesting, brief and, like the caves, if it 're in the area, definitely worth it. The people who will show and explain the greenhouse for cacti and succulents, as well as friendly, it shows they know their business and are committed to the development and conservation of the species they support.
There is not much to do around here, we recommend an inn, which got a relatively good run food quality and taste.
returned to Tequisquiapan with a pleasant taste, somewhat exhausted, so I rested a while and at night we went to dinner at Tequis center, the only restaurant recommended by Lonely Planet Mexico, K-Puccino, but opinion of your humble servant, there is a much better places to eat, without using the K points is not bad, including some that are obvious tourist traps.
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