Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Best Type Of Straight Weave

few months ago, after agreeing with our dear friends Lisa and Arthur (Agri & Vaz) we would be groomsmen, I was politely informed that I had to prepare a speech for the event.

I have no idea how it should be a wedding speech, because the only ones (speeches) I lived were drunk dads talking about their daughters quinceaƱeras like complete strangers: no staff, no depth in the messages, you almost a vile farewell warning children and who are ready for marriage or what follows. Other examples come from movies and I confess that most very mellow.

Of course, I did nothing about it until I had the above date. It was the last week before the wedding and not to vary, all are complicated and I was very tight time for happy talk. Fer

helped me with several links that explain what should and should not contain speech. Agri I had already given a precise time span (about 7 minutes) and, if the wedding program should be changed, that is not my fault, I thought.

With the given conditions, I sat, I assembled a list of objectives to cover the speech, for the first couple and the families and friends who accompanied us, second. The original idea was a nice story or anecdote, followed by a conclusion with something funny and heartbreaking and profound.

course between the original idea and what was left, no relationship. :-P

usually read before a congregation does not seem a good idea, so I wrote about what she meant, thinking more in public, here for example, that in reading it. In the event the plan was to improvise on the stories I wanted to tell, but I could not ... After watching the first reactions of my friend, I lost concentration and I turned to read as follows: Introduction

Thanks to the Judge,
Thanks to the couple Lilian and Arthur for giving me this opportunity,
Thanks to his parents who are with us today, and
Thank you all for being here.

not steal them a long time, make a brief introduction, then mention (three) short stories and conclude with a toast, [the public eye ... my cup does not exist], forget the toast (no alcohol).

The story of Arthur and me as friends, dates back almost three decades ago, in college and, although we were never classmates, Arturo eventually became my little grasshopper or rather, I became his mentor small . :-)

For almost fifteen years, we shared many experiences: work together on various projects, we organized and went to countless parties, we travel, we made a podcast and even lived together for several years.


why I'm here and now is the time to tell you some stories LiiL and Vaz, who probably do not know. So pay attention:

of the generosity of Vaz
In December 2007, some "friends" came to visit with Vaz, the then briefly met were on their way to Oaxaca ... a few days later, in January 2008, we had just Vaz moved in together and I casually asked me "Hey, do not you care if my friends are staying home a few days? "What friends? I asked .... Ahhh --- the blondes who met two weeks ago. Sure, no problem, they stay.

I first met, I fell very well, we had dinner a couple of times and talked about politics and a lot of things. Days after the friends returned to their country of origin, Vaz asked, where did these friends, how you met? --- Do not know, I was asked to stay home through the network. (Toing!)

And so I met the world of coachsurfing that is beside the point, but is an alternative form of tourism. Several years later and more than 40 visitors from various countries who have stayed with us have become good friends, some of them have joined us this afternoon ...

This allowed me to better appreciate the generosity of Vaz, my brother, my friend.

half orange and puzzles
Our favorite sport has always been during: complaining about everything and "fix" the world, to say how things should be done. That's probably why I took time to recognize that something was missing from Vaz, it was incomplete.

all happened at a party at our house, the idea was to meet there, have a drink and then find the perfect place to party to celebrate Mexican night .... was September 2008 ... We all waited impatiently Lilian Tellez who was visiting the city and that had us enthralled with his bittersweet stories on the Internet.

While we waited for the rest of our friends, the holiday was extended, the total was fun and we ended up singing in the chorus tune in the history of mankind [Warning: this is a guilty pleasure] Shakira songs ... Well, Lilian and Arthur sang, as I disapproved of his eyes and served another round.

:-) This is the perfect image: Vaz and Agri: together, singing, having fun ...

Just then, the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, Lilian and Arthur complement each other perfectly and together they are the ideal unit.

of sandwiches and quesadillas
Months after this event, I remember like it was yesterday, I received an intriguing email from Arthur saying: "Dude, We Need to talk", so I wrote back and Make an appointment: - why do not you come? I asked - Okay, what time suits you? He replied. - Now it's OK, I answered. Vaz then left her room, walked two steps and came to mine, note that we shared apartment at the time, sat
my bed and told me with some problems I was in love and wanted to marry Lisa, but was concerned about "me" who would care for me, who I would quesadillas or sandwiches for dinner, ...

Of course, I became strong for the sake of the two [remember that, although not noticed, I am the eldest], so I told her not to worry that "I understood" that had me and I was happy, which is totally true and I am convinced that Lilian is the best thing that ever happened to Vaz.

realized then that the friendship and unconditional love Vaz was the best thing that had happened so far. And when I needed it, was always there to support me .... You have not an idea, the drama queen I can be.

all the time I realized that I was the learner and not the teacher.

In fact, Lilian Vaz and took several months to plan everything: his departure from the beautiful city of Guadalajara, get an apartment and organizing this wedding. The curious fact, you probably do not know, is still making me sandwiches and quesadillas for dinner, only now we do not live together, we're neighbors!

Happy ending

Finally, because everyone here follow a strict program of activities, right Lisa?

I want to comment on two things:

The first is that although I am a skeptic perfect and only believe in science, I am convinced that Lilian and Vaz found love at first sight and that his story is worthy of film, full of challenges and complicated situations that met with courage and dignity. If you believe that there is Cupid, I would say that his arrow hit the target.

The second and last thing I want to say is, Lilian, Arturo: I wish them well and that your life is full of adventure, stories of love and happiness. Thanks

[A regular chick flick]


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