Our day started very early as 0800 hours we had everything in the truck and were ready to go. We take a coffee, yet again abusing the hospitality Maria Jose, aka "The fine" and Jesus, quickly planned trip to Queretaro route (there are only two possibilities via San Juan del Rio or another road that promised to be faster).
still clad in pajamas, under the fine farewell to us, gave us a chance to hug him and thank him for his hospitality, with the threat that if neglected, would return someday.
We went to the path is not known and it promised to be short. Great success, we arrived in about 35 or 40 minutes to Queretaro and then follow, with some problems, the ads to reach the bus terminal, a synchronization messages and met Isa and John. Even had we parked, as they arrived fifteen minutes before the scheduled time, just like us.
One big happy family
With truck full and all your seatbelt begin the journey of the city. Of course, first I got lost and we were about to leave Querétaro when we realized the mistake and after a chilangazo "I do not think that was the first trip, but the most grotesque: U-turn in a where not only seemed to be forbidden, but it put me in the opposite direction a few times, we set out to center. :-P
Ten minutes later we were parking the car at the third level of underground parking for one of the main squares of the Constitution. Back
recognition, Isabel served as a guide because he had recently been working in Queretaro. We found a little place in the main square for breakfast, medium full breakfast, so much as to forget what we ask.
We toured the streets and pedestrian walkways in the center and returned to Cheyenne to take us to the hotel to let things definitely park for the day and begin the intense journey than we thought.
Extreme sports
The first thing we noticed is that our hotel was about three to five blocks from downtown, depending on what you mean of the center, which is not much, but at the end of the day turned into something meaningful. Move slowly along the narrow sidewalks of the center, chasing shadows, which was becoming more difficult as it was near noon. So the group looked at first, here we had just visited a museum, the Restoration, which like most museums here: is poor and not very worthwhile. We are sitting in the garden fountain Guerrero.
Shortly after the move garden toward the back where that to which the guide was holding referred to as "luxurious monastery erected by the calling of a young woman." We refer to the temple of Santa Clara, if you're single on the outside and in front of which, by going to admire the facade (ie drooling), I nearly killed when one step to the floor I was robbed.
not so much that I had stolen the floor, as it was a step that I saw and did a sexy move to avoid falling hombreelefantebailandolambada type.
Finally, the convent seemed luxurious and flamboyant Baroque style too. In general the Catholic Church takes me hives, but when it's that "abundant" and grotesque, a little more. :-P
Imagine the entire group by gathering around a tiny map. Added to a local gentleman kind enough to photograph and what they get is a scene that grew into daily: - What do they want? - Nothing, just looking at the map we are here to see what seems to us to know - Ahhhh, do not forget to go to such and such and such a place, if you want to eat go to those gorditas over there (pointing to a local on Guerrero Street, where they made gorditas typical street Queretaro) - Well thank you very much, bye - bye.
Obviously, chilanga mind accustomed to the bad life because people are always behind one because "something like" or "I want to do harm" immediately made those theories flowing: "sure this is the gift that stall owner gorditas," it makes me want to go over there because we'll be waiting with his band of 'kidnappers' and as we are so cute want abducted and sold in Europe "or" a certain English king needs a kidney and does not conform with any kidney, like a good one ... "And so on.
In fact, the conclusions are: (1) there are many kind people in Queretaro: Good for you! Thank you very much for everything and (2) safe these plump were delicious and although I voted for going to eat immediately, other majoritarian me with the argument is that I have not hungry, eat just a few hours ago ... We later. Of course, never returned to the gorditas.
If I were slightly more sensitive, the failure to prove the best gorditas in the region was enough to embitter the rest of my days. Luckily, I am a rock. Jiji.
then visited the Cathedral (outside because it was closed), the Zenea Garden, the Museum of the City (outside, because Isa said it was worth), the walker May 5: the mansions, the Plaza Armas, Plaza of the Founders, the Convent of Santa Cruz, El Mirador and Aqueduct (from afar), the Pantheon of Illustrious and Queretaro ... after a couple of breaks where we complained about the heat, scorching sun stupid, that his feet were swollen, heat melted some of us, we visit the baroque courtyard, where we were forbidden to take photographs.
returned to one of the central squares, worn (except me).
Now if we eat something? I asked for the umpteenth time and, as usual, this time I said yes, but not plump, and we decided that we would eat at the Casona de los Cinco Patios .... So there we ate and he was rich, though the service, as in any other place here is a bit slow. What is good and bad (service) is that they serve you food and beverages as "out of the kitchen / bar, is good, because you do not bring your cold food, bad because you have to eat in front of those without your plate yet, as my mom is like counting money in front of the poor. "
And the rooftop?
To this point the observant reader may be wondering what the rooftops? Why Querétaro title at the roof? And the answer is because we try, then revive in the food, walk five recommended by the magazine roofs peek (Online), something like an alternative Queretaro ...
The first and most bizarre was the third floor of a parking lot at Pino Suárez (between Guerrero and Allende), if the domes were silent Santo Domingo, San Agustín and Santa Clara .... only that it was very sad.
The second was located in a small terrace on the second floor of City Museum, but as we were not willing to visit the museum, we were on the roof. :)
The third was a belvedere in a colonial house now a museum, the Museum of Zacatecas. Originally we had passed through here on our way to the lookout and had decided not to go ... But we were and it still there, sounded interesting and we agreed to pay $ 31 pesos entrance fee ... it was nearly 18:00, so the first guide met us at the ground floor, was bitten play a DVD that talked the museum's history (private) and then took us through the first room at a rate his explanation was hilarious .... The museum, incidentally, contains a huge collection of antiques, even for someone who does not like antiques and your server, it is worthy of admiration, good condition, good taste, well combined and armed the different rooms and, except crappy so the "legend of the Zacatecas", this was without certainly the best museum we saw in Querétaro by far.
The viewpoint of the museum house of Zacatecas: mmmmm if it exists, but the view is as poor as the view from the third floor of the garage, only here with the aggravating factor that must be seen through glass scratched. To say the least convincing: it is a spectacle of hanging clothes and rooftop water tanks to Rotoplas throughout the City.
was only two, the fourth-floor roof in the restaurant-bar Apolonia, so there we went to one of the most colorful and beautiful walkways in the city. At this stage of course, the forces were weak and when we received a "Young Oh no, now we do not open the bar ... only the restaurant (which is on the ground floor) "were about to surrender. After that neither wanted. : '(
We had already decided (almost) throw away the idea of \u200b\u200bthe roof and call it a bad joke.
However, we paused along the way to go to a typical place in the middle to make snow ice cream with wine red: Gadi May 5, where the street becomes a walker. Yum, yum, highly recommended the ice cream (vanilla ice cream with nuts) and red wine.
Let the hotel and finish the day, was the consensus. Except that the fifth and final roof, we had to pass: the rooftop bar of Hotel Meson de Aspeytia .... Wow! Well say no hay quinto malo and here was no less true: the atmosphere: tables and candle-lit rooms, the city lights came on right at that moment and now I do: the domes of the temples looked majestic. I leave you with these pictures he took Nuri, who lost a couple of hours while doing the deed: