Sunday, June 21, 2009

Difference Between Loose And Diarrhea

The cost of friendship

Friendship is a full-time job, although it is one of those fun tasks that one can perform all day in practice has its problems.

One of the main problems is to match your schedule with those of your friends. In general you are with gusts frequent periods in which a sub-set of friends than to others. But when you hang out with someone, what are your options? What happens to friendship? It certainly can not flourish and improve insulation.

Email, IM, twitter, telephone and, in general, communication technologies help, but do you have the discipline to reach, with the right frequency, to everyone on your list of friends?

And, already entered in question, how many levels or circles of friends are you? How many of those friends know you well, know your desires, your fears, your family, etc..?

ANSWERS I have no good or satisfactory answers to these questions, do you?

Mobile Blogging from here .

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sample Letter For Changing Membership In A Church

Disney is guilty of violence Pull heat

is now clear that there are video games, which is not television, not film and not is the Rock. As in many other parts of the play, see and hear the same thing and not have the same levels of violence.

I will not delve into the issue of violence, because I'm lazy (do you want statistics of violent crimes in the states? Here you go ), however, want to share with you an epiphany I repeated as I ate and saw a little bit of Open Season, Sony Pictures animated film and held at ImageWorks, on TVs that were on sale.

The blame for violence in the U.S. Disney is.

Any FPS type game, especially the most recent, share one feature: realism. In fact, the more realistic the better. But no sales trying to shoot everyone and picking up ammunition, water and other products leaving the individual at death. However, if all your life you grew up watching movies and cartoons where "realism" is not favored, then you find all types of aberrations: for example, in the segment of the film I mentioned above, the animals attack hunters giant forks and chocolates as throwing lighted arrows.

After the stork, it pretty well, drop a gas tank in the truck of hunters and exploit all to the astonishment of the owners, who flee in terror.

But zero deaths, no injuries, no members of bodies and blood everywhere, no one ends up with third degree burns, no rending cry of pain, no tears. What did you learn? Ahh well that it's OK to violently attack the band.

If you see this since I have 2 or 3 years and 12 kill one of your Friends gang, one of your mates Dad got the gun ... Draw your own conclusions.

Yeah, yeah, sure they are saying this is too simplistic and that here in Mexico we see the same cartoons and movies when we are children. If true, but here the school (kindergarten, primary and secondary in particular) are a jungle and the strong survive, the others move with jets of dents in his armor, but my point is that you learn very quickly meaning trauma, or so was in my time. And, at least when you're still young, it is difficult to get a gun and killing people walking it with your lightsaber or your secret kung fu techniques, it is not practical.

Final Note : I used here, Disney, as hypernym of movies and cartoons pseudo-violent.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Pitcure Of Gervin Sitting On A Ice Chair

Today I realized that my relationships with friends are based on heat push us to each other. It is a sport we practice frequently and feels natural. Even venture that is the only way we relate when we are in a group. Is it normal or some aberration ours?

says the group, because except a few who still talks hand to hand, one on one, get along and behave in exactly the same way: fucking each other (a) and being returned in the same currency. However, when we are in a group is an attitude of pride, taking turns to see who is more agile and witty with a circulation of heat-defense response to the previous attack.

The Thin Red Line

I lose sleep, but I must admit that I was concerned about the situation because, and Freud surely had something interesting to say about it, I love being the center care and for other reasons equally critical and noteworthy, I also happen to be if not in the center near him, in many of these verbal attacks of my friends.

Where is the line and how you realize that you have crossed (if not obvious from the right to the jaw or the slap guajolotera return)? That line between being clever and funny, to continue the collective display of creativity and be that cool he does not know odious measure their words. In terms of a dear friend, that knows not kept on 1% of his personality that is unpleasant and it is out of place.

Note: the theory of 1% applies in all respects, never show yourself 100% to anyone, always beware 1% ... The challenge is to identify which 1% saving.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Gay Cruising Areas In Bergen County Nj

Brothers in Arms

Although nothing has changed radically in my life in recent weeks. I must say that I'm better encanchado, as everything is connected better. I will not explain all the reasons, but "assumed" has its silver lining: I class early, I have more problems than ever, more commitments, more fun and much more, but all these commitments were accepted and assimilated, so the'm enjoying it.

Although he had crossed several times the idea in my head, last night I dropped the twenty that I am no longer "owns" my end of the day (those last hours and variable before going to sleep), my commitments to expand night, practically every day of the week. One of the most recent and now occupy three out of four Thursday except the second month for another commitment, is to fight shoulder to shoulder with girls that I have destination click on the battlefield, we're not going to give quarter to apathy, not allow our social networks to expand virtual versions only, bring it on life!.

course, you realize that something is wrong when your main s brother in arms and bends and goes side [1] the first shift.

In short, it feels good to realize you're not alone.

many consolation of fools, my mother would say, but even so it is good to have brothers in arms [2].

[1] I'm sure it's not invensión of my ex-brother in law, but the fact is that he used this expression, squat and go from side to refer to friend leaves you, that cracks (as it explains Octavio Paz in The Labyrinth of Solitude, but referring to women). Is it part of the ranchera song lyrics?

[2] Brothers in arms was used without restraint here, because these last few weeks I've re-met a wonderful album, very classic and highly recommend them: Sultans of Swing: The Very Best of Dire Straits, among the many jewels that come in disc, one of my favorites is a song titled just so, Brothers in arms.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How Much Is Full Sheet Cake At Costco

fool myself

totally unexpected when I realized it was there. Staring into his eyes and tapping my defenses. One by one I watched them fall.

A couple of days I enough to recover from the shock. I do not understand how it happened, but how good they were. In these things, my ability to predict the future is absent, "This can not be wrong," he said with a smile to myself, and was willing to put everything.

She came to another conclusion.

I'm going to cheat.

No matter the reasons, the only one I can tolerate, for now, it was not the right time.

- Your Honor, we have reached an agreement.
- Well, what's the verdict?
- In the case of life versus ... innocent. (Aka an idiot)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Cool Bday Invites On Facebook

Opportunities vs. value

opportunities The problem is twofold: on the one hand there is the matter of recognizing that the opportunity exists, it's there and understand their times, the window during which you just have to say yes. Sounds complicated, but most of the time the opportunities present themselves clearly.

The real challenge is in the second problem with the opportunities, have the courage to say yes. Of course, one does not go through life saying yes to everything ... Or not all do that. However, in my experience, most can not handle this problem for a variety of reasons that I will not list, but I will say that my favorite (not): yes, but not .

Many opportunities are not free, for example, the opportunity for a better job, but in another country, leaving behind family and friends is not easy. Beads, pros and cons, the old game to select something in life, make decisions, nothing new. I mention this not because it is interesting, but it explains how incredibly stupid it is to say yes, but no, you see the opportunity and clearly say yeah, sure, come all ... but days, months or years later you realize that you did your part, not paid the price for that opportunity.

Do not have the courage.

Another day I will talk about what happens when you realize you said yes, but not . While I think I'll let you and give you a hint: usually fuck others.